Chicago Neuroscience Institute
(847) 888-1811 Elgin, Illinois
(847) 888-1811 Elgin, Illinois
Chicago Neuroscience Institute
Patients find their way to CNI through many different routes. Most patients are referred by their attending physicians, while others are referred by family and friends, the internet, and social media. CNI also offers many health screenings which introduces individuals to our facilities and staff.
Your attending physician may have referred you to a specific physician on staff at CNI or you may have a physician of your own choosing. Please confirm who you are to see during the scheduling process. If you do not have a preferred physician at CNI, one will be assigned to you and will serve as your primary CNI physician. He or she will be responsible for your evaluation, diagnosis and the direction for care when you are at CNI. Your primary CNI physician will discuss which tests and examinations may be necessary to complete your diagnostic workup.
During your first visit to CNI, you will be asked to complete some forms. This will consist of numerous documents. The background and history forms will become part of your permanent medical records. You may be asked to update pertinent information during subsequent visits to CNI. If you have difficulty writing or reading, please ask CNI staff for assistance. Your primary CNI physician will review your family and personal medical history and may perform a physical examination. If you have any questions during your initial visit, please ask your attending physician.
Staff Who May Help Your Primary CNI Physician
CNI Physician Consultants: Your primary CNI physician(s) may request diagnostic consultation with other neurological or medical specialists on staff at CNI or at an outside facility. The results of specialized consultations and diagnostic procedures will be acquired and reviewed by your primary CNI physician.
Allied Health Staff: This refers to individuals who have special training and skills such as technicians, therapists and physician assistants. Allied health care staff may assist in conducting tests, recording findings and making you comfortable during your visits to CNI.
Your First Visit and Recommendations for testing.
After the initial history and physical examination, your primary physician at CNI will decide what laboratory tests and specialized diagnostic procedures you might require. Some diagnostic tests may be performed during the course of the initial visit. Some testing may need to be schedules on another day.
Some diagnostic procedures have instructions for advance preparation. This information will be provided to you when the test is scheduled. Please read the information in its entirety so that you are adequately prepared for the test. If you have any questions, please inquire before the procedure begins.
Diagnostic Testing at CNI
Most of the diagnostic testing will be performed at CNI on an outpatient basis. During the course of your care, you may be referred to an outside facility such as a private center or hospital facility for specialized testing. The results of each test will be received by your attending (referring) physician and any other providers you authorize us to send it to. When you have completed all of the recommended testing, you will be scheduled with your primary CNI physician for a report of findings.
We are honored that you have placed your confidence and trust in the Chicago Neuroscience Institute (CNI). Our philosophy of patient care revolves around prioritizing your needs and well-being. At CNI we are committed to providing you with quality healthcare, appropriate examinations, and referral for special consultation or therapeutic intervention if required.
During your visit you may be seen by several staff members who works together as a team to help identify the cause of your problem and to provide you with direction. If you have any questions please ask one of the CNI staff members for assistance.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please call CNI central scheduling at (847) 888-1811. Please provide as much advance notice as possible so that we can serve someone else waiting to be seen.
There are hotels, restaurants and shops within close proximity to CNI. If you wish to have lodging information forwarded to you please contact CNI central scheduling at (847) 888-1811. We have a list of various hotels and transportation options, some of which may provide discounts to patients of CNI.
If you have specific questions about insurance coverage or CNI’s accepted payment methods, please call a CNI Financial Counselor at (847) 888-1811 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
If you wish to receive a cost estimate for scheduled or recommended procedures at CNI, please inquire with the billing representative. It is not always possible to provide a precise cost or estimated cost for some diagnostic services due to unforeseen steps which may be required to complete the process. The complexity of some diagnostic procedures cannot always be predicted prior to their performance. The cost of well-defined therapeutic procedures can be offered, although, it is difficult to predict how many procedures may be required to achieve the intended goals.
Unless you are part of a PPO that CNI is contracted with, you will be personally responsible for payment of all services and supplies provided by CNI. If your healthcare provider at CNI is a “preferred provider” based on a third-party contract, you will be responsible for payment of your deductible, co-payment, and any services that are “not covered” by your plan. If we are not contracted with your insurance carrier, as a courtesy CNI may submit your charges to your insurance company or other responsible third party. You are responsible for any outstanding balance not contractually to be paid by a third party.
Please contact your insurance company to confirm whether CNI providers and/or services are covered by your plan. Our staff will assist you wherever possible, but you are always responsible to know your insurance plan. At all times you are personally responsible for the payment for services rendered and supplies provided by CNI not covered by your health insurance plan or other responsible third party.
Special financial arrangements will need to be made prior to the delivery of services. The payment of deductibles, co-pays and payment for non-coved services are due at the time of service. For your convenience, our facility accepts cash; personal checks, cashier’s checks, bank debit cards, Discover, MasterCard, American Express, and Visa credit cards.
We also accept flexible financing with the Care Credit Card for payment for our services. The CareCredit health, wellness, and personal care credit card gives you a convenient, flexible way to pay for care for the whole family! With everyday promotional financing for purchases of $200 or more, you can pay over time with convenient monthly payments. *
Some insurance companies and employer group plans require approval (pre-authorization or pre-certification) to ensure financial coverage before a procedure is performed. Some commercial insurance policies may also require pre-approval. Please be aware of your insurance company’s requirements prior to your visit. The CNI staff will assist you wherever possible. You are always required to know your insurance plan.
As a courtesy, CNI staff may assist with pre-authorization and pre-certification requirements. Pre-authorization and pre-certification is not a guarantee of coverage. Please contact your employer or insurance carrier with any questions you may have about coverage. You are responsible to pay for any and all services not authorized or covered by your insurance company.
At the time of your initial visit your will be provided with our privacy practice guidelines and related documents which may include a Notice of Privacy Act. At the time of your initial visit you will be presented with forms authorizing CNI to release information to your insurance carrier and to your referring or attending physician. The signed release of information forms are valid for 1 year and may need to be renewed annually. Accurate and timely completion of authorization forms helps ensure efficient communication between healthcare providers and facilities. Please ask to complete new authorization forms if your coverage has changed or if you wish to have records forwarded to additional physicians or locations.
Unless other arrangements have been made in advance, we ask that you pay for CNI services at the time of your appointment after services are rendered. If you have private insurance please provide our staff with your insurance card. As a convenience, your CNI representative may complete the insurance forms and submit the claim directly to your carrier. If you pay for services at the time of the appointment, a CNI representative will request that the insurance company reimburse you directly. In some circumstances CNI may submit charges to the insurance company and await payment. Any outstanding balance remains your (patient) responsibility.
CNI does participate in some Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans, but the relationships and contracts are subject to change. Prior to your first visit we recommend that you contact your insurance company to determine whether CNI is an “in network” healthcare facility or that CNI providers are on your healthcare plan. The PPO may require you to pay a portion of the fee for services at the time of your appointment. We ask that you pay the designated fee at each visit. Managed healthcare plans or preferred provider networks may deny payment or reduce payment for services provided outside of the established provider network or without pre-authorization of the plan. You will be responsible for any amount that your insurance company deems as "patient responsibility" which may include, but not limited to co-payment, non covered services, an deductible.
Medicare has two billing parts. Medicare Part A covers inpatient hospital services. This part does not apply to services provided by CNI. Medicare part B covers eligible CNI services, eligible physician fees and eligible outpatient hospital services. Other providers at CNI may be eligible for broader Medicare coverage. It is important for you to be aware that Medicare may have limitations on the number of covered treatments per diagnosis or per year. At the time of your office visit, you will be asked to fill out a Medicare ABN form so that you are aware of what is covered and what you will be responsible to pay.
For Chiropractic Care provided by a chiropractor at CNI, the eligible Medicare services are defined as "Manipulative Treatment”. The chiropractic manipulative treatment codes covered by Medicare are CPT codes 98940, 98941, 98942, and 98943. Therefore, the patient would be responsible for any services not covered by Medicare unless you have a supplementary insurance plan to Medicare. With patient authorization, we may bill your supplementary insurance (Secondary Insurance). Some Secondary plans will cover services that are denied by Medicare if they are medically necessary. When requested, our staff will work with you to verify eligibility benefits prior to treatment at our facility.
Our staff will assist you wherever possible, but you are always responsible to know your insurance plan. You are personally responsible for payment for all services and supplies provided by CNI that are not covered by your insurance plan.
Bring written authorization for Insurance coverage at your initial visit along with the name of the adjuster, date of the accident, and all insurance company /attorney contact information. If this information is not made available, CNI staff will attempt to contact the responsible third party for confirmation of coverage. As long as we receive authorization, you will not be charged at the time of service for your visit to CNI. As a courtesy, the responsible third party will be billed for the services rendered related to the work injury. You are responsible to pay for any outstanding balance not paid for by the proposed responsible party.
Unless other arrangements have been made in advance, we ask that you pay for CNI services at the time of your appointment after services are rendered. If you have private insurance please provide our staff with your insurance card. As a convenience, your CNI representative may complete the insurance forms and submit the claim directly to your carrier. If you pay for services at the time of the appointment, a CNI representative will request that the insurance company reimburse you directly. In some circumstances CNI may submit charges to the insurance company and await payment. Any outstanding balance remains your (patient) responsibility.
CNI is not presently affiliated or contracted with any HMO policies therefore you would be responsible to pay for care at the time of your appointment unless other arrangements are made ahead of time.
CNI does not accept Medicaid at this time.
The Chicago Neuroscience Institute is a smoke-free environment. The facility offers easy access with a well-lit parking lot and entrance. Handicap access is available through the building front entrance with a chairlift.
CNI strives to continuously improve the quality of services delivered to patients. We encourage you share your positive experiences at CNI on social media. Any concerns or feedback please speak directly to CNI’s office manager or the CNI Medical Director so that we can serve you better. It is our goal to provide excellent services which
CNI strives to continuously improve the quality of services delivered to patients. We encourage you share your positive experiences at CNI on social media. Any concerns or feedback please speak directly to CNI’s office manager or the CNI Medical Director so that we can serve you better. It is our goal to provide excellent services which meet the needs of our patients. We appreciate you and are honored that you have entrusted us with your healthcare.
If you feel more comfortable and can better communicate in a language other than English, CNI may be able to arrange for an interpreter. Try to provide your own interpreter. If you cannot provide an interpreter, CNI may be able to arrange for one. There may be an additional charge for this service.
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